Saturday, October 3, 2009

Ken Burns, National Parks, The Best Idea (A True Education for Me)

This week I have been watching Ken Burns documentary on our National Parks. What an education this has been.

We take our Parks for granted. I don't know anyone who is not happy that we have them to enjoy and that some of our land is preserved.

But, you wouldn't believe the fights that took place to bring these treasures into existence. It is difficult to fathom that their were people against these landmarks. They fought hard to keep them from existing. Fortunately for us, there were formidable opponents to save this land for all Americans to enjoy. Their struggles took years and years but they never gave up.

There were the typical arguments which began in the late 1800's. Do these sound familiar to you too? The federal government is taking away our rights. The state rights are being violated as well as individual civil liberties. It would be too expensive to maintain the Parks.

I'm not sure whose civil liberties these protesters argued for. Or maybe I do. I don't think they were considering the rights of the majority with protection for the minority.

I encourage all of you to watch these programs. Ken Burns will keep you intrigued and awe inspired with his history lesson.

Beside learning all about our Parks, how difficult it was for those who wanted to establish them I felt dejavu. The reason for this is that I'm hearing all the same arguments that were against establishing our National Parks being used to fight our Health Care Reform.

I hope there are those out there as strong and willing to use their influence to speak for our quiet citizens now as the heroes of days past did.

I will never look at a National Park in the same way.

I guess sometimes right can overcome what we consider might. Some of those who fought the hardest against the National Parks were willing to come forward on Ken Burn's program and admit they were glad they hadn't won.

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